SCHS Lorton Library Tutoring Program is an after-school tutoring program targeted at improving grades of high school students from low income neighborhoods within our local community and bridging the Achievement Gap. We are staffed by local, certified high school teachers supporting learning in all core subjects. In addition to tutoring we offer access to laptops, and free after-school snacks.
The mission of the program is stemmed from the belief that every student matters both in their success, struggles, and accessible supports for education.
Further, it is our belief that true education is formed from the lessons that you learn along the path to development. SCHS Lorton Library Tutoring provides an opportunity for this kind of education: where tutors become mentors to struggling students, and leave lasting impressions on the lives that they reach within our community. We hope to inspire, engage, and empower students to work towards their dreams, and discover the power and opportunity true education holds.
Tutoring in all core classes is aimed at High School Students. Resume building, College Essay and Applications, and Economics and Personal Finance class support is also available. Tutoring is provided by SCHS certified teachers in addition to peer tutors from National Honors Societies members.
Tuesdays 3:15-5
Science tutoring is located in the common room. We look forward to helping you solve equations in Chemistry, learn about life on Earth in Biology, and take a deeper look at the world around us in Geo-Systems.
Wednesday 3:15-5
Math tutoring is located in the common room. We can't wait to break apart Algebra, Algebra II, Geometry and some Pre-Calc with you !
Thursdays 3:;13-5
English / History tutoring is in the common room. Looking forward to answering your questions, editing papers, and fostering real learning.
Tuesday - Thursday 3:15-5
My name is Kate Evans and I am the Manager of the Program. It is my dream to improve the lives of our community at to teach our students that anything is possible. Please feel free to email or call me with any questions or concerns you have about our program.